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Wednesday 6 April 2011


Hi all!

Just a quick post today - in the spirit of healthy eating (in particular using foods you most likely already have in your fridge) - a site about EGGS!

Eggs are great for energy and so versatile you can really do anything with them. The site has recipes and nutrition facts on why eggs are a great source of protein!

So GET CRACKING and enjoy an egg today!

Below are a few of my own ideas of yummy things you can do with eggs...

I use the Aunt Jemima mix, BUT instead of just adding milk/water (what the package says)...I add a bit of canola oil, eggs and milk to the pancake mix and I find it tastes yummier. You can add chocolate chips, oats, mashed bananas, blueberries - ANYTHING you like (I've even made a JALAPENO pancake upon request once).

SCRAMBLED EGGS a million ways!
I chose to make mine with potatoes and sausages all in one pan, smothered in ketchup, with a side of croissants and cranberry juice. DELICIOUS, quick and simple.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed my ideas for today!

Happy eating!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice pic dotters!